Monday, May 2, 2011

J2ME Thread Processing Example


In the given example, you will learn about the thread and how thread works in
J2ME application. An application can run multiple activities simultaneously
using thread. Here we have defined different states of thread...

 The states of Thread is:

  • running:- Executing code.
  • ready:- Ready to execute code.
  • suspended:- Waiting on an external event. 
  • terminated:- Finished executing code.

In the output First of all process() thread will be executed then start()
thread and then run() thread will be executed.

The Application is as follows:


Source Code of 




import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

public class ThreadProcessing extends MIDlet implements CommandListener{

  private Display display;

  private Ticker ticker;

  private Form form; 

  private Command exit, start;

  public ThreadProcessing(){

    form = new Form("Thread Processing");

    ticker = new Ticker ("10/17/2008 3:59:59 PM     ACC LTD 489.05 (-6.42%)

       BHARTI ARTL 676.80 (-7.47%)       BHEL 1,194.80 (-9.00%)

       ACC LTD 489.05 (-6.42%)    BHARTI ARTL 676.80 (-7.47%)

       BHEL 1,194.80 (-9.00%)       DLF LTD* 291.30 (-10.34%)

       GRASIM INDUSTRIES LTD. 1,293.40 (-5.71%)       HDFC BANK LT 1,024.05 (-5.82%)"

    exit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);

    start = new Command("Start", Command.SCREEN, 2);    


  public void startApp(){

    display = Display.getDisplay(this);


    form.addCommand(start );    





  public void pauseApp(){ }

  public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional){



  public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable displayable){

    String label = c.getLabel();

    if (label.equals("Exit")){


    }else if (label.equals("Start")){

      Process process = new Process(this);





class Process implements Runnable{

  private ThreadProcessing MIDlet;

  public Process(ThreadProcessing MIDlet){ 

    this.MIDlet = MIDlet;

    System.out.println("Thread Process...");


  public void run(){



      System.out.println("Thread Run...");

    }catch(Exception error){ 




  public void start(){

    Thread thread = new Thread(this);



      System.out.println("Thread Start...");

    }catch(Exception error){}


  private void transmit() throws IOException{} 





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